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configuration testing中文是什么意思

用"configuration testing"造句"configuration testing"怎么读"configuration testing" in a sentence


  • 配置测试


  • Run the apache configuration test and look for a
  • Generating test cases for software configuration testing
  • Configuration tests may be run on dozens of configurations
  • Raid configuration testing was limited to 0 , 1 , and 5 where supported
    Raid配置测试仅限于所支持的0 1和5 。
  • A bias toward functional testing also underemphasizes configuration testing
  • Both configuration testing and scenario testing test global , cross - functional aspects of the product
  • Configuration testing checks how the product works on different hardware and when combined with different third party software
  • Raid configuration testing was limited to raid 0 and 1 for workstation solutions and raid 0 , 1 , and 5 for server solutions
    对于工作站解决方案, raid配置测试仅限于raid 0和1而对于服务器解决方案则测试raid 0 1和5 。
  • In this release , you ' ll save some time on some tasks ( such as configuration testing ) but you ' ll lost some time on additional training and administrative overhead
    在这一版中,你会在某些任务上节省时间(比如配置测试) ,而在额外的培训和行政管理上付出更多时间。
  • A test design should contain a description of the setup ( including machine configuration for a configuration test ) , inputs given to the product , and a description of expected results
    测试设计应当包含设置描述(包括配置测试的机器配置) ,对产品的输入和预期结果的描述。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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